Often companies look for GRP skylights and buy based on the basic specifications of thickness and light transmission, however there are many other essential technical properties to be considered before choosing the best fit for the project needs.

Mechanical properties,
Is one of the vital elements when It comes to evaluating GRP skylights, flexural strength and modulus, tensile strength and modulus, elongation at break, water absorption, deflection temperature under load and more. For instance cost oriented GRP skylights of 1.5mm would have 80 Mpa tensile strength while Domer Vivid PS GRP skylight of equal thickness would have over 135 Mpa tensite strength. Superior mechanical properties are very important when it comes to building envelops.
Glass-Fiber to Polyester resin ratio,
Having the right ratio defines the weight, density, strength, and the characteristics of the GRP skylight or GRP cladding. Needless to mention the type of Glass-Fiber and polyester used plays a major part in achieving the good quality product suitable for your project.

The machinery and molding tools,
Used to manufacture the GRP skylights are also very important to achieve the specifications required, Domer state-of-the-art automated machines combined with decades of experienced production engineers guarantee producing the best product, achieving perfect profile corrugation match, consistency of specs and product efficiency.
Insulation values,
Are important numbers in building envelops, maintaining a good heat insulation has endless benefits, starting from economical when it comes to reducing the energy bills for heating/cooling the building, environmental, reducing carbon footprint when reducing the energy consumption, healthier atmosphere, eliminating heat spots and maintaining comfortable working/living temperature. GRP Skylight most common insulation values can be defined by U-Value, Solar heat gain co-efficiency (SHGC) and Shading co-efficiency (SC). The lower the numbers the better.

Optical Values,
mostly known as visual light transmission VLT or simply light transmission LT, this number comes as a percentage, where the number 100% represent the outdoor day sky light value. Apart from the VLT, it is very important for the GRP skylight to reflect the harmful ultraviolet rays UV, which causes a significant reduction in the GRP life and harms the human skin when exposed for long hours, Domer Vivid Grp skylight systems eliminate over 99% of the UV harmful rays guaranteeing a healthy indoor space and long lifespan for the GRP skylight.
Reaction to fire,
Domer Vivid GRP skylight can achieve Class 1 according to the British standard BS476-7 and, Class A according to the American standard ASTM E84, which is the best fire retardancy classifications GRP Skylight could reach, for both fire transmission and smoke generation.
Skylight system shall not be considered as walkable systems, however is very important for GRP skylights to sustain accidental footfall, Domer Vivid GRP passes as Non-Fragile conforming to accelerated Non-fragility Class B ACR (m) 001:2014 test. such characteristic of GRP skylight is very important for the safety of the roof workers, maintenance and cleaning team.

Please do not hesitate to contact Domer’s technical team for any further clarification you may require